[7.x] UBB Spoiler Tags · Script

NOTE: Spoiler Tags are included in the stock archive as of UBB.Threads 7.2.

• Valid UBB.Threads 7.0 install and license

This UBBCode will allow you to hide text in posts from users unless they choose to view it; thus allowing users to post movie, news, etc, spoilers and not have to ruin everyones fun!

Please see the attached images:
2361-spoiler-closed.jpg - What people see before the spoiler is revealed.
2362-spoiler-open.jpg - What people see after the spoiler is revealed.

You can also see it in action here.
More Information: [Click Here] (External Link)

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Where we provide this script freely to the community, we do ask that if you find it useful that you make a small donation to aid in development costs.


Posted By Gremelin Posted on October 8, 2016
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